Lecture 2. The World of Many Worlds: Persianate World 1

In looking at the architecture of the Persianate world with respect to its peripheries, this lecture starts by defining the term 'Persianate', and the complex cultural context of what actually comprised the Persianate world? Why could this 'condition' be better described as'a world of many Worlds?' What were the geographical boundaries of this land that effectively comprised of not only multiple ethnicities and people resident, but scores other transient and nomadic? Units of Lecture 2- 1. What do Persia, Persian, and Persianate stand for? 2. Historical Geography of the Persianate World 3. Population of the Persianate World 4. Space-Time ‘Moments’ in the History of the Persianate World

supporting documents:


Lecture Notes

Quiz with Answers