Lecture 2. Water Architecture, Spiritual Beliefs and Sacred Places

Water and its related natural elements such as spring, river, and lake were sacred substances for Iranians over the centuries. The spiritual and mythological position of water in the ancient Persia, established a particular architectural typology related to water in this region. This lecture focuses on the architectural spaces corresponded to this mystique facet of water in Persia, puts the light into the particular architectural interventions and space making related to the mythological aspect of water in this region. Becoming familiar with the relationship between the mythological aspect of water and architecture is the main objective of the lecture. The lecture looks at the architectural edifices related to the mythological aspect of water in various scales, from the small ornamental interventions above the sacred springs to the great complex around the springs, and from the solitary monuments open into the spring to the particular temples dedicated to water and to worship the goddess of water. Considering the deep roots of mythological beliefs related to water and its safeguarding goddess in Persia and its influence on the architecture in the Persia both before and after Islam, the lecture provides various examples from Persia antiquity until the 20th century.

supporting documents:


Lecture Notes

Quiz with Answers