Lecture 6. Cities of the Conquered: Andalusian Expulsed peoples after the Reconquista. 15th to 16th cc.

This lecture presents the situation of the Western Mediterranean area after the conquest of Granada in 1492. It tackles the case of conquered Moorish and their settlements, the Spanish and Portuguese projects in North Africa, and the Sephardic settlements. It is divided into three parts. The first part is centered on the actions of Spain and Portugal in North Africa during the fifteenth and sixteenth century. This period set the stage for future Mediterranean conflicts and resistance movements. During the first years of the sixteenth century, the main ideological motivation for Spain was the fight against Islam. However, after 1520, reli-gious motives would be replaced by political ones, partly because of the outcomes from the oppositions be-tween the two biggest Mediterranean empires at that moment: the Ottoman and the Spanish. The second part will focus on the Moorish population, the conflicts that came after the war of Granada, their final expul-sion, and their representation in art and treatises. This section includes a monographic analysis of Tetuán, Morocco, as a case study of an Andalusian city that received the most Moorish inmigration from Granada between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Finally, the third part presents the growth of antisemitism in Spain since the fourteenth century, the expulsion of the Jewish from Spain in 1492 and from Portugal in 1497, and the Sephardic diaspora.

supporting documents:

Lecture Notes

Quiz with Answers

Quiz with Answers
