Lecture 9. Early and Contemporary Waterfront Regeneration

As the port withdrew and expanded outside the urban area, city government tried to reimagine these areas. Various approaches for waterfront regeneration emerged, some being even promoted by developers, with the result that many of the waterfront regenerations look alike. Waterfront regeneration projects have coincided with numerous events, from European capital of culture to Olympics. As a result, waterfronts have become the focal point for architectural development. New types of housing, sports stadia, musea, universities, various types of large-scale developments are hosted on the waterfront, creating a whole architectural network that is in principle not shipping dependent, but related through its port heritage facilities. Cruise shipping has become a recent way in reinvigorating old waterfronts and bringing ships back to the city. Sites of lecture 9: Regenerated Waterfronts and Cruise Destinations Sydney Hamburg Buenos Aires Cape Town Baltimore

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