Lecture 6. Presentation: Public green space

The sixth lecture considers 19th-century concepts of leisure, health, and hygiene and how they were imposed on the landscapes of the colonial city, both for health and for socializing. It considers the social aspects of public green spaces such as parks and promenades, as well as who was permitted to use them and the power relations they engendered. Contents: 1. Introduction: Theorizing Colonial Landscapes 2. Hygiene and Public Space a. Riparian corridors, Addis Ababa, 1938 b. Glacis, New Delhi, 19th and 20th centuries c. Flagstaff Gardens, Melbourne, 1866 d. Belvedere Park, Tunis, 1892 3. Leisure and Public Space a. Jardin d’Essai, Algiers, 1832 b. Archeological parks, Carthage and El Djem c. Ghebbi, Gondar, 1936–37 d. Carlton Gardens and Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, 1888 e. Delhi Gymkhana, Delhi Race Club, and Air Force Golf Course, New Delhi, 1913 f. St. Kilda Foreshore, Melbourne, g. Boulevard de la République, Algiers, 1860-65 4. Circulation and Public Space a. Connaught Place, New Delhi, 1933 b. Meskel Square, Addis Ababa, 1963–74 c. Avenue Jules-Ferry, Tunis, 1899 d. Viale Mussolini, Addis Ababa, 1938– e. Viale Mussolini, Asmara, f. Swanston Street, Melbourne g. Mughal Gardens at the Rashtrapati Bhavan (Viceroy’s House), New Delhi, 1928–29 h. Delhi Durbars, New Delhi, 1877, 1903, 1911 i. Guenete Leul, Addis Ababa, 1930–34 j. Place d’Armes/du Gouvernement, Algiers, 1830– 5. Conclusion

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Quiz with Answers
