Lecture 2. Casablanca Housing Experiments

created by:

Jonathan Massey, Diana Martinez

from the module:

Scales of Modernity

In the twentieth century, architects approach house design as a problem of defining “basic human needs”, intended simultaneously to elevate the standard of living through certain technological amenities while, at the same time, reducing living to a standard, as best described by the term, Existenz minimum. This course module will compare how a standard of living and a conception of family and society were defined under the different political-economic frameworks of colonialisms and settler-colonialisms; the Soviet Union; post-Revolution China; North-American real-estate; and post- independence Latin-America. Students will be asked to consider where the distinction between house and housing lies: Is it merely in repetition, given that all societies have usually replicated a basic type of house? Or is it in a redefinition of the meaning of the house and of those who inhabit it?

supporting documents:

Lecture Notes

Questions and Assignments



Lecture Introduction