Lecture 3. Sub-Saharan Africa

This lecture will present some of the many diverse cultural heritage management systems that were used in African communities, formally or informally, including traditional rituals of reuse, religious influences, traditional building methods, poverty, and community influence, as well as continue to explore the context of colonialism on indigenous approaches to preservation and reuse. Themes: Traditional building methods; community preservation; economic development; planning for resilience; resource protection; migration, colonialism. Sites: Mousgoum Hutshells, Chad, n.d. (residential) Nankani Painted Dwellings, Ghana, n.d. (residential) Tongo-Tengzuk Cultural Landscape & Ba’ar Tonna’ab Ya’nee shrine, n.d. (landscape) Grand Mosques, Timbuktu, Mali, 13thc/19th c CE (religious)

supporting documents:

Discussion Questions

Lecture Notes
