Lecture 1. Theology, Life and Architecture: Etruscan Origins, Urbanism and Temples

The first lecture discusses the origins of Etruscan culture and maps its global connections, through materials, technology, belief structure and trade networks. By tracing the production of iron, fired bricks, terra cotta and stone vaulting methods, Etruscan cities and temples become part of a larger flow of technologies and ideas. In addition, this lecture will address Etruscan ritual practices – including augury and divination – as part of a larger cosmic worldview with a complex order of deities (both original and borrowed). These global influences become essential to understanding Etruscan city locations, urban forms and temple architecture. The chosen sites for this lecture include several early Etruscan cities, with a discussion of their geographical location, geological resources, urban layout, and order. Within these cities, the lecture will discuss specific Etruscan residences and their material, spatial and operational qualities. Similarly, the discussion of specific temples (often with only a base remaining), will include archeological and literary sources as a basis for their conceptual reconstruction. Etruscan temple architecture provides a clear basis for the discussion of global, cross-cultural connections. 1. Origins, Theology, Material Culture. 2. Etruscan Town planning 3. Etruscan Domestic Architecture 4. Etruscan Temple Architecture

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