Lecture 7. Post-colonial Realities: Inherited after-effects and built environments

The final lecture in the module looks at the decolonization processes for each case study empire/country and the inherited legacies of architectural remains, institutional system, and political dependency. It also looks at evolving acknowledgements of the treatment of indigenous peoples, reconciliation and returned sovereignty, as well the evolving identity the postcolonies under successive waves of occupation and/or migration. It also introduces ongoing debates regarding controversial monuments and place names, both in the former colonies and the former imperial European metropoles. Contents: 6. 1 Introduction: Post-colonialism 7. The End of Empires a. Independence in India b. Independence in Ethiopia c. Independence in Vietnam d. Independence in Algiers e. Independence in Tunisia f. Independence in Indonesia g. Independence in Kenya h. “Independence” in Australia 8. Changes in the Postcolonies a. Toponymic changes in Tunis b. Toponymic changes in Nairobi c. Renaming/translating monument names in Tunis d. Removing colonial monuments in Tunis e. Razing the Casbah walls and Casserne in Tunis, 1959 f. Coronation Park, New Delhi g. Jomo Kenyatta statue, Nairobi, 1973 h. Rashtrapati Bhavan (Viceroy’s House), New Delhi i. Sibling Architecture Obelisk, Melbourne j. Axum Obelisk/Stele repatriation, Axum 9. Legacies in the Postcolonies: National Identity and Sovereignty a. Liberation Monument, Algiers, 1978 b. Ashok Hotel, New Delhi, 1955 c. Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, 1955 d. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1972 e. Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi, 1967–73 f. Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, 1930–34 g. Jubilee Palace, Addis Ababa, 1955 h. Africa Hall, Addis Ababa, 1961 i. Haile Selassie International Airport, Addis Ababa, 1963 j. Africa Union, Addis Ababa, 2012 k. Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Canberra, 1972– l. “Standing by Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner,” Melbourne, 2016 m. Avenue Bourguiba restoration, Tunis, 2000–03 n. Captain Cook statue graffiti, Sydney, 2018, and Angus McMilan memorial graffiti, Gippsland o. Federation Square, Melbourne 10. Post-colonial Metropoles and Neo-colonialism a. The Axum Stele, Rome (1937–2005) b. Regent’s Park (Central London) Mosque, London, 1977 c. Museum of the Colonies and National Immigration History Museum, Paris, 2004 d. Quai Branly Museum, Paris, 2006 e. “Rhodes Must Fall” movement, 2015– 11. Conclusion

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