Lecture 3. Architecture of power: from corporate interest to mass consumption

Probably, oil has been the most bought and sold merchandise throughout the 20th century, not only because no other energy has been associated with mass consumption. However, also that a wide variety of other energy substances, auxiliary materials, etc. are derived from oil. On the other hand, there are a long and terrible history of environmental destruction and human rights violations in the regions that produce oil. At this point, it is essential to ask where oil is produced and consumed? Also, reflect on how much the American economy is based on this fuel. The ‘American way of life' depends on oil, and many countries want to imitate it. This lecture shows how the transnational oil industry has used architecture to send a message of economic power and industrial efficiency. Corporate headquarters, pavilions, and service stations are built away from the decay and poverty that oil exploitation implies in a truly global form of consumption.

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