Lecture 8. Ritualistic Dwelling of Power

This lecture focuses on the palatial residences, together with the surrounding monumental ritualistic structures that legitimatize their claims to rule, highlighting the period between 1400 and 1800 but also tracing its ideological origins to earlier monuments. Centered on the major capital cities of the Ming and Ching dynasties in the continent, the Joseon Dynasty in the Korean peninsula, and the castle complexes of the late Muromachi and Momoyama period in Japan, the city and its architecture was planned predominately as a mechanism of power and symbolism. Though not without dynastic change, civil wars and invasions, the period of 1400-1800 was also a period when the sophisticated cultural traditions of Japan and Korea, as they were identified during the past century, were consolidated. Working within diverse geographical conditions, political systems, economic forces, and beliefs, different regions and periods created a wide range of sophisticated ideas, methodologies, and monuments.

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Lecture Notes
